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Tips for Attracting Good Men
Some women just can’t break the pattern of dating loser guys. Try as they may to meet Mr. Right, they continue to get stuck with the liars, cheaters, and unemployed gold diggers. But this is not necessarily a reflection of the women’s morals, but rather an indicator that their approach to dating is slightly flawed. Here are some tips for attracting men your mother would be proud of.
Look in the Right Places. Think about the places you socialize and meet your men. Are they the same spots you would bring your family if they were visiting you from out of town? We’ve all heard that bars are the worst place to meet new partners, and the reason is that you set a standard about yourself before the relationship begins. Try changing your social patterns. There are plenty of alternative places to connect with men. Some examples include church, coffee houses, fitness centers, and volunteer functions.
Ask the Right Questions. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by learning more about your man before things progress too far. Of course you don’t want to scare away a new flame on the first date, but it is entirely acceptable to be curious if you plan on seeing him again. Some of things you’ll want to know are where they work, how long they have lived in your city, and what their interests are outside of work or school. Try to get a good picture of how they spend their time and why they might be interested in a person such as yourself. This should be easy to do if they have nothing to hide.
Learn to Say No. No one will ever tell you that it is easy to be single. We all want someone to share our thoughts and dreams with. Unfortunately, too many of us sacrifice our own values to avoid the pains of loneliness. If you start to have questions or concerns about your man, then you need to have the ability to tell him no. You can try to work with him on small issues, but the least amount of resistance should serve as a red flag. Remember, you are looking for a good man who will treat you right. This means
finding someone who will respect your expectations.
Get Out What You Put In. Always remember that the manner you present yourself will likely determine the type of guy who is attracted to you. If you are always at a bar, then you will probably meet someone who drinks regularly. On the other hand, if you maintain a positive approach to the world and stay active in trustworthy communities, then you will probably meet someone with strong values and a healthy lifestyle. The bottom line is you can only expect to get out of a relationship what you put into it.
In short, the best way to meet a good man is to put yourself in situations where good people get together. Think about the things that are important to you and your future. From there you should change your lifestyle appropriately and you will
meet the man that deserves your love.