Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blind item

Which male celebrity who is now divorced has been using hardcore drugs to self-medicate?
*All blind items are from a reliable hollywod source.

Valentine's day

Dear MzDiamonds,
I'm Tony and I'm a very romantic italian guy. Two weeks ago, I met a girl and we've been pretty tight. I was planning on having dinner at a nice restaurant with her on Vday but she told me couple days ago that Vday is also her Bday. I feel that I don't know her long enough to get her a present in addition to the expensive dinner.

Hi Tony,
I wish that you would tell me a little bit more about your relationship with her and how serious you two are. You have known her for a short time and are not obligated to get her anything. Dinner should be enough but you should also get her flowers and that will seal the deal. And if she is not satisfied then you will have the make a decision on as to whether or not you want to stay will her. Since you are a romantic guy, next year get her something nice to make up for not giving her a birthday present this year. Hopefully, you too are better than "tight" by then.
Best of luck,

He won't commit

This is my first blog post and I hope you enjoy it. My very first letter was sent to my website http://bffuniverse.com/ from Verte.N. of Idaho and it reads.

To MzDiamonds,
I am writing to you because you seem to be an "expert" on friendship and relationship. I have been seeing this guy (M) for 8 months now and he has yet to call me his girlfriend. I have been very good to him so much so that I have allowed him to have anal sex with me (which I promised myself I would never do). He won't introduce me to any of his friends or family members but he comes over to have sex on a weekly basis and says he cares about me. I really am beginning to fall in love with him but he does not seem to care much for me and I am worried. I want to be with him, how do I get him to commit? Verte.N. Idaho

Dear Ms. Verte.N.
First, I want to thank you for trusting me to give you advice. Sorry to hear about your troubles but there is nothing I can tell you that will make M commit to you if he does not want to. After 8 months in a relationship, you should have already met his friends at least. When a man truly cares about a woman, he tells the world. You state that you are "beginning to fall in love with him" and since you are not fully in love with him yet, my advice is to kick him to the curb asap. Staying with M will hurt you more in the long run so leave before your feelings get hurt. Start focusing on your self and don't settle. I promise you once M sees that you have forgotten about him, he will be on his knees begging you to take him back. And this time it will your call as to whether you want him back or not.